The Ponkapoag Civic is a private pool and social club located in the Ponkapoag section of Canton. Founded in 1950 as a neighborhood club, the Civic now has a town-wide membership of 200 member families.
The Ponkapoag Civic is a member-driven association, guided by a Board of Directors. Any member in good standing may be elected to serve on the board. In addition, all activities are supported through the members on a volunteer basis, with the expectation that each family will volunteer at some level for at least one activity per year. Social events exist only through the volunteer efforts of the members. As a member, this is your club, and all activities and events depend on your involvement.
The Ponkapoag Civic is a member-driven association, guided by a Board of Directors. Any member in good standing may be elected to serve on the board. In addition, all activities are supported through the members on a volunteer basis, with the expectation that each family will volunteer at some level for at least one activity per year. Social events exist only through the volunteer efforts of the members. As a member, this is your club, and all activities and events depend on your involvement.
Info for Potential Members
What is included in my membership?
How do I apply for membership? |
Board of DirectorsWho are the current board members?
How can I become a board member? |
Club DocumentsHow can I rent the clubhouse?
How can I apply to be a lifeguard? |